Sunday, October 28, 2007


Here's the report from an online quiz "What kind of Shoe are you?" (rather weird, but nvm)

Leather Boots- sleek, trendy, and popular, you are always dressed right. You sometimes seem fake to people that don't know you. Your creativity is shown through your perfectly put together outfits. You take a popular style or trend and make it your own. It is hard for some people to appreciate this aspect about you, and some people may say you look 'too put together'. Shopping and hanging out with your many friends are two of your passions.

Sigh. Maybe that's why some people don't like me? Anyway, I shouldn't really care.

Another random thought - plans to dabble with the arts or the sports(?) during holidays. When the mad rush is over. Not for anything, not for work, not for achievement, just for myself :)

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