Monday, October 29, 2007

On listening

Sometimes, you just feel down.

I feel kind of upset that sometimes, those around me simply want to talk their story instead of listening to what I have to say. I would say that I am a pretty good listener and most of the time, I do use it to benefit others around me. However, I am sad that while I use this characteristic of mine to listen to my friends (no matter how agitated/unreasonable they might be or how prolonged the complaint is), the same or even a fraction of it is not given to me. OK, I am not saying that they are bad people so to speak, I know that they will help me if I need them to. However, why can't they exhibit some patience and concern?

I have said before that I am not someone who shouts out loud in your attention. Hey look at me! kind of thing. I won't cry even though I feel down (at least most of the time I try not to in front of others), I won't whine even though I need some attention. I won't say that my world is crushing so that you will pay attention to me (Because seriously I won't allow my world to crush so easily). But just because I am strong (or want to be strong) does not mean that I do not need support.

Sometimes, one of the things I need is just to talk it out. Just normal talk. If you're not ready to hear, tell me, I will leave you alone.

I must say that I am typing this at the end of a rather exhausting day. Let the sun shine again tomorrow.

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