Friday, May 09, 2008


“We can love the world, or love God. If we love the world, there will be no room in our heart for the love of God. We cannot love both God, who is eternal, and the world, which is transitory.”

—St. Augustine of Hippo

Indeed, today's quote is apt. Limited time, resources and attention. How do we manage things? What is the line to draw between honoring God in your daily life versus wanting to do well in the vocation to which He has called you?

Frankly speaking, I don't have the answers. I am still discovering.

Finally I have finished marking. It was quite an impossible situation I must say, straining in terms of time, physical body and most importantly attention. I decided to attend church on Sunday - decided that I should make my feeble attempt to put Him first in spite of marking load at home. A few things cropped up during the week - 3/4of a day was gone due to a sudden arrangement, had wanted to stay up late yesterday but instead fell asleep unknowingly (cos I had already been doing staying up late for a few days)...but I guess God's plan is best. He cast a deep sleep on me so that I would feel refreshed to mark today...and indeed, this is one of my most productive days and I managed to clear my stuff without having to stay up at night (which would be the case using usual computation).

Conclusion: His ways are really not my ways...quite often I will feel frustrated because I can't see the big picture/ I don't know His plan yet. But one thing I am reminded of, His plan is always the best. All I need to do is to trust Him, come what may.

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