Sunday, March 16, 2008


I miss ...
London - Thorntons, books and the culture of reading, Shakespeare's Globe, eating a warm hotdog in the chilling weather...
Scotland - the scenery alone says it all and of cos' my friends
Spain - its very laid-back culture and a friend
Paris (just a little) - for its romantic fantasies and tasteful aesthetics, though it means just sipping mineral water at a cafe along Champs Elysees
Korea - for its food, its many little towns awaiting my exploration
HK? - My friends and the islands
Taiwan - the little town i went to and had such a good rest at. And many other towns awaiting exploration. Rail travel definitely the way to go.

Hmm. I think I am generally not materialistic. (Self-illusion?) If there's only 1 reason why I may dislike not having money (apart from not being able to care for my parents), it has to be the fact that my heart cannot go where it wants. My heart feels constricted.

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