Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Past and Present

Was just looking back at my blog posts for the past year. Did not actually have this habit but thought I could take a leaf from fellow blog mates who have done so. Anyway, it helps me to be more systematic and look at the year in retrospect. (I know it is supposed to be done last year 2007?? but hmm...as usual, I am slower than others...so there u go..)

Some general impressions:

1) I seem to be balancing work and play slightly better last year (if my blog entries are to be relied upon).

2) The incident at school took a toil on me, physically and emotionally, changing the way I look at colleagues, superiors and students.

3) I seem to be getting over some people in my life. Yup, this should be more or less done with.

4) I struggle and I aim to lead a life in God's will. (I still do!)

5) The spiritual battle is real and there have been various onslaughts on my physical health and the health of my loved ones which I have not seen in previous years. (An item to keep in prayer) The record for myself- flu and fever bouts, sprained leg, miscellanous handsaplasts, fish bone

6) My mind was preoccupied with the desire to return to UK. I still wish to visit it and live there. However, the desire is not that strong anymore. Perhaps I have discovered that contentment is great gain. (though nope, it's still not S'pore)

7) I have had a very very busy Dec. Lots of non-work related stuff that I could only have more time to deal with during the hols. And I thought I would give myself a good break by going for two holidays...hm. but seems that they have been a little long...I hardly have time to do anything else! But the Taiwan trip was good. It prodded me and gave me some ideas in life. The HK trip was a welcome break from the usual dec Christmas routine - glad to explore and escape to the islands. Lamma has to be the best- the rest are too commercialised for me. And of cos' the trip confirmed the rural buff in me.

I only have a few more mins before I need to force myself to sleep...

A belated Merry Christmas to readers out there (the message holds in spite of the event being over) and good health to all in 2008!

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