Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What City Should You Live In?

You should live in Paris. The city of lights will appeal to your appreciation of beauty and romance. You are a lover and a poet by nature, and Paris' sensitive charms will be a perfect match for yours.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

I can't believe it. It's not the first time I have taken the same kind of tests and the results are the same. Hmm. The options don't include London though. To be fair, neither does it include any small towns or rural areas.

So, city-wise, I should live in Paris?? Ha. I think it only works when I am blind to the crime and poverty in the city, when I have a bigger build (cos' the probability of me being mugged will hopefully decrease) and maybe when there is a MR. beside me cos' afterall Paris does have the romantic aura to it :)

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