Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Women in the Bible: Hagar

Hagar never knew the love and protection of a husband or enjoyed the rights of a wife. She was considered insignificant by Abraham and Sarah. However, she was among the few in the Old Testament who had the rare privilege of a personal visit from the Almighty God. He saw her distress and loved her. Our God is a loving God who cares for those that no one else cares about and Who sees those insignificant people who are so easily overlooked.

Taken from http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art7017

Blogger's own notes:

1) Undeniably, Hagar was wrong in despising Sarah. While GOD showed his love towards Hagar, that did not stop Him from wanting Hagar to do the right things - to submit to the authority of her mistress.

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