Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I have a great no. of important things to do. But here I am procrastinating.

If I had a horoscope reading (which I DO try to avoid), it would probably read something like this:

Outlook for this week

Relationships are at stake this week. Often unexpected things will happen and you should stay calm in handling them. You face quite a bit of inner turmoil as you think about the best way to handle them. Coupled with your physical fatigue this week and the sense of restlessness you are experiencing, you should learn to take things easy. Having a calm composure and asking wisdom from GOD are very important.

OK, maybe I can't write horoscopes afterall. I know the *asking wisdom from GOD* bit is totally atypical. But it is TOO important to be left out!

1 comment:

lil piggie said...

hey, that's a GOOD one.. the GOD-scope.. Hope everything is working out fine for you now. And let's hang out one day SOON!! =D