Saturday, August 11, 2007

finally, a movie!

Wanted to upload pic of the movie "Secret" but seems that Blogger has something against my idea of doing so. So, yup, another entry without pics.

One of those movies that I watch on impulse. I had wanted to see how good the directing was and of cos' the storyline (I read that it was about a common love for music) didn't seem too bad.

It's really quite him. A lot of fantasy involved in the story. What I didn't expect tho' was the super *sweet* lines (I kid you not)- or perhaps I'm old?

Hmph. Considering that it is a debut, one needs to give him some credit for it. I know how tough directing is...and I don't know how one can act in it at the same time! But judging it as a movie on its own, the twists in the storyline are fine but I don't like how it's all more or less spelt out for the audience (as in the film will shock the audience with the twist first and then bring the audience through how the twist works out in the plot). I don't mind hints but being too obvious just spoils it all. Perhaps it is just my personal preference. Just like how I like Kazuo Ishiguro's style of writing. Speaking yet subtle.

Overall, a relaxing film to watch but don't get your expectations too high.

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