Sunday, February 11, 2007

I want to be ...

This shall be a week that I'll think about my PASSION and AMBITION.

Interestingly enough, as I was "teaching"/sharing with my class about career options, I emphasised to them the importance of having passion in what they are going to do later on in their lives (just to provide a kind of balance since the research they were tasked to do was on highest-paying jobs).

A question came from a student "XX, What is your ambition?" I said "Teaching is one of my ambitions" (Haha, not for the sake of being politicially correct, but honestly!). And then, a next question came "So what are your other ambitions?" For a moment, I was short of words....

Thinking about it now, I guess I know the other ambitions I had when I was younger BUT NOW, do these ambitions still hold?

Of course, for now, there are many pragmatic considerations. I read a blog entry in which the blogger testified that there was nothing to be ashamed of earning money while being a pianist. In fact, it is a joy to marry the two :)

I hope:
1) that I can find my PASSION(s) (sometimes one just loses sight of it/them in the midst of madness)
2) that I can marry the two- PASSION AND $ (at least I hope one of my passions will qualify). I mean teaching is just one, so hopefully I can find another too :)

Sigh...back to work tomorrow...

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